Monday, March 24, 2008

Grandpa Fred Goes Back to Acting

Yes, a mere weeks after ending one of the lamest Presidential campaigns in American History, the man Richard Nixon referred to as one of the dumbest bastards he had ever met has gone slinking back to Hollywood in search of more lame acting gigs.

Poor Fred, Reagan made it seem so easy for a washed-up, has-been actor fond of his afternoon naps to be entrusted to the world's most powerful office.


Bill Lenoir said...

I am still shocked at how the one-time GOP savior failed so utterly. Between him and Rudy, I guess the policy of, "Let's wait until the important stuff happens," don't work so well.

bdrube said...

After W, voters are weary of empty suit politicians with no new ideas on how to get us out of the mess we are in.

I figure that's why Obama is doing so well despite both his race and his middle name.

Bill Lenoir said...

I think you're half right (how's that for a compliment?). The American people want their politicians to speak of lofty things, which Obama certainly does (and why he's my homey). But they're just as susceptible to lofty lies as they are lofty truths.

Nobody in the GOP has been able to lie their asses off with any sense of credibility. Should such a devil show up, though, watch out.

bdrube said...

Such a devil would likely be wearing a black armband, no doubt.