129 - Price of a Barrel of Oil.
3.80 - Price of a Gallon of Regular Unleaded Gasoline.
4.54 - Price of a Gallon of Diesel Fuel.
.3% - Amount the Saudis agreed to raise oil production, as a percentage of the worldwide total, after Bush's recent visit.
0 - Effect the Saudi announcement had on worldwide oil prices.
8 - Number of months remaining in George Bush's term.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
rubenation's Top 3 Scumbags of the Week

1). Ray "Hard-Rain's-a-Gonna-Fall" Nagin (D-reelected by dimwits). The bald portrait of pure incompetence now claims he was kidding when he suggested giving homeless folks a one-way bus ticket out of town. I have to admit, my sympathy for the pain and suffering of that beleaguered city went down a notch when this bozo was reelected. He makes Marion Barry look like Michael Bloomberg.
2). Kevin "History is merely a talking point" James (wingnut talk show host). Instead, I'll nail this asshole for defending Bush's "Obama is an appeaser" remarks and comparing him to Nevil Chamberlain if only to because when asked by Chris Matthews WHY the hapless Chamberlain was an appeaser James had no fucking clue.
3). Mike Norman (bar owner and subhuman racist scum). This is the guy who raised a controversy by selling the Obama '08 t-shirts with an image of Curious George on them. If this is the best the wingnuts can come up with, the junior Senator from Illinois will enjoy an FDR-like landslide this fall.
Till next week, peace out!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Shocking Poll Figures on 401 K Deposits

Aside from the fact that the recession is starting to bite and gas prices keep skyrocketing, the implications of this factoid are downright frightening. Even if Social Security remains solvent (doubtful), these people are going to be in real financial trouble as they become senior citizens.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
rubenation's Top 3 Scumbags of the Week

1). Scott J. "my job is to do the opposite of my job" Bloch - United States Special Counsel. Most people probably aren't familiar with this weasel. He's the U.S. government official charged with investigating, among other things, retaliation against whistleblowers. The FBI raided his offices this week for apparently, among other things, retaliating against whistleblowers. Hopefully, the next time the Feebs show up at Mr. Bloch's office it will be with a pair of handcuffs.
2). Heath "I'm just as bad a Congress-critter as I was a Quarterback" Shuler (D-detached from reality). Seriously, for an NC Democrat to endorse Hillary the day AFTER the North Carolina primary he's got to either really hate America or just be terminally clueless. I'd bet on the latter.
3). Congressional Democrats - (D-spineless) - for passing a housing bailout bill that rewards the greedy and the clueless at the expense of those of us who pay our bills on time. If Chimpy vetoes this monstrosity as he's promised to, it will be the first time in 7 and 1/2 years I've agreed with ANYTHING he's done.
Well, that's it for now. Till next week, peace out!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Surprise! Obama's Refusal to Pander on the Gas Tax Actually HELPED Him

An even bigger loser may ultimately turn out to be John"Hundred Year War" McLame, as Obama has proven that voters want leadership and not pandering this year. And pandering is all that crazy old coot has left to offer.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Taming of the Toxic Shrew

At last, the era of incompetent, power crazed nepotism appears to be coming to an end.
U.S. Consumer Debt Rises More Than Forecast in March

This article pretty much speaks for itself:
U.S. consumer borrowing jumped more than double the amount economists forecast in March, indicating a slowing economy is forcing Americans to accumulate credit-card and other forms of debt.
Consumer credit increased by $15.3 billion for the month to $2.56 trillion, the biggest monthly rise since November, the Federal Reserve said today in Washington. In February, credit rose by $6.5 billion, previously reported as an increase of $5.2 billion. The Fed's report doesn't cover borrowing secured by real estate, such as home-equity loans.
Consumers are turning to credit cards after banks tightened standards for home-equity loans and other borrowing. The March figures brought U.S. consumer borrowing in the first quarter to $34 billion, the most since the first three months of 2001, when the economy entered its last official recession.
Recession? What Recession?
"Just Us Kids" by James McMurtry

Side note: In an interview in the final issue of No Depression magazine, McMurtry admitted that he had originally planned to call this effort The Last Record Album in anticipation that e-music will soon cause the final demise of CDs. He was talked out of the idea by his teenage son. The reason? His son didn't think the title would help James escape the lifelong shadow of his famous father, whose 1966 novel was called The Last Picture Show.
Monday, May 5, 2008
What's a Penny Worth These Days? Try 4 Cents.

I have a solution. When the price of copper raises the value of the Lincoln coin to 5 cents, we'll just call it the "new nickel" and stop minting nickels. Easy!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
rubenation's Top 3 "Scumbags of the Week"

Slow posting week as I was out of town for much of the time. Yet it was another banner week for the asshats who continue to do all they possibly can to undermine the nation. Here is this week's top 3:
1). Rep. Elton Gallegly (Congresscritter, R-CA). Normally, this moron is just another anonymous slimebag in the House Republican caucus, but this week he opened his mouth and revealed himself to be so much more. Seems that in the middle of a national energy emergency Rep. Gallegly is none too happy about a new House rule which would force him to give up his taxpayer funded Ford Expedition for a greener, more fuel efficient car like a Prius. "A Prius isn't made in the United States," Gallegly complained. Hey, Ive got an idea, Congressman: if you want to continue driving your gas hog and setting a poor example for your constituents, why don't you just pay for it yourself like working people have to do?
2). Tim "Conventional Wisdom Zombie” Russert (mainstream media hack). Russert was apparently responsible for banning Ariana Huffington from all NBC "News" programs after she criticized his lack of journalistic ethics in her new book. This is yet another example of how Russert has become THE most pompous windbag polluting the airwaves these days.
3). Reverends Hagee, Wright, et al (psychotic, egomaniacal religious "leaders"). How about if we all just agree that not only does religion have no place in a Presidential campaign, but all Presidential candidates should steer clear of "spiritual advisers" and seeking endorsements from reactionary bigots who hide behind their pulpits?
1). Rep. Elton Gallegly (Congresscritter, R-CA). Normally, this moron is just another anonymous slimebag in the House Republican caucus, but this week he opened his mouth and revealed himself to be so much more. Seems that in the middle of a national energy emergency Rep. Gallegly is none too happy about a new House rule which would force him to give up his taxpayer funded Ford Expedition for a greener, more fuel efficient car like a Prius. "A Prius isn't made in the United States," Gallegly complained. Hey, Ive got an idea, Congressman: if you want to continue driving your gas hog and setting a poor example for your constituents, why don't you just pay for it yourself like working people have to do?
2). Tim "Conventional Wisdom Zombie” Russert (mainstream media hack). Russert was apparently responsible for banning Ariana Huffington from all NBC "News" programs after she criticized his lack of journalistic ethics in her new book. This is yet another example of how Russert has become THE most pompous windbag polluting the airwaves these days.
3). Reverends Hagee, Wright, et al (psychotic, egomaniacal religious "leaders"). How about if we all just agree that not only does religion have no place in a Presidential campaign, but all Presidential candidates should steer clear of "spiritual advisers" and seeking endorsements from reactionary bigots who hide behind their pulpits?
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Chart Porn: Subprime Apocalypse

Yet another dramatic illustration of why home values are continuing to crash.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
rubenation's top 3 "Scumbags of the Week"

1). Supreme Court Justice Antonin "Get Over It" Scalia. As part of his continuing campaign to be remembered as the worst Supreme Court Justice in American history, Scalia was quoted this week saying, "get over it," in response to a question about the results of Bush vs. Gore. So, we the people are supposed to just forget that the Scalia court trumped a half-million vote Al Gore majority to usher in the worst President in American History. In your dreams, asshole.
2). The Democratic Primary Voters of Pennsylvania (D-idiots). Not content with eight years of incompetent elitist nepotism in the White House in which the working class and middle class have gotten royally screwed, the Dem voters in the Keystone State voted for four more years of more or less the same thing.
3). John "Let's Bulldoze the 9th Ward" McLame. Mr. Old-Man-Shakes-Fist-at-Cloud just seems to outdo himself every week in sheer out of touch-itude. First there was the proposal to destroy the nation's highways by eliminating the gas tax, there there was his off-the-cuff suggestion to raze the worst hit area of New Orleans. Now we know what he really meant by his new War on Poverty pledge.
Till next week, peace out.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Chart Porn: California Default Notices

Why Does Pennsyl-tucky Hate America?

Just like in the general elections of 2000 and 2004, far too many of you voted against your economic interests. And America is far worse off because of it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
$119 - The Only Economic Indicator that Matters
Oil prices hit $119.90 per barrel today. In 2002, during the run up to the Iraq War, oil was trading for as little $22 per barrel. That's a nearly fivefold increase in just six years.
You can have your Dow Jones Industrial Average, your S&P 500, your unemployment rate, your official inflation rate, your currency exchange rate, etc., etc., etc. When it comes to the economy, there is only one figure that really matters.
And right now that figure is $119 a barrel.
You can have your Dow Jones Industrial Average, your S&P 500, your unemployment rate, your official inflation rate, your currency exchange rate, etc., etc., etc. When it comes to the economy, there is only one figure that really matters.
And right now that figure is $119 a barrel.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mexico Running Out of Oil

Many people don't realize it, but Mexico is actually one of the US's top oil suppliers. Unfortunately, they're running out south of the border:
Mexico's state-run oil company said Monday that oil production fell 7.8 percent to 2.91 million barrels a day in the first quarter as current reserves dwindle.
Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, has struggled with falling reserves, especially at its main Cantarell oil field, and lacks the money and expertise to launch new drilling projects. Pemex only has enough proven oil reserves to last nine years at current production rates.
Nine years. And Mexico will be totally drained.
Peak Oil: It's not just a wacko, lefty looney theory anymore.
Be All You Can Be: A Felon

This quote pretty much says it all:
The Army doubled the number of waivers it issued to allow convicted felons to enlist between 2006 and 2007, while felony waivers issued to Marine recruits increased by nearly 70 percent, according to newly released numbers from the Pentagon.
Yeah, these are exactly the types of people you want representing you when you're trying to build a democracy. Any wonder why the Iraqis aren't falling all over themselves to kiss our feet in gratitude?
Food Rationing in the United States?
Apparently so, though it is hardly an epidemic. Here's a quote:
Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing. Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks.
This is another story to watch over the long term. Americans cannot fathom such a thing as food shortages in their own country, but its likely to get worse going forward.
Apparently so, though it is hardly an epidemic. Here's a quote:
Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing. Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks.
This is another story to watch over the long term. Americans cannot fathom such a thing as food shortages in their own country, but its likely to get worse going forward.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Gasoline and Food Costs Crowding Out Other Spending
Saturday, April 19, 2008
rubenation's Top 3 Scumbags of the Week, All Press Edition

1). Charlie "Newsreader" Gibson and George "I Wanna Be a Serious Journalist When I Grow Up" Stephanopoulos. Worst. Presidential Debate Moderators. Ever. Granted, the bar wasn't set too high, but these two dopes still managed get far underneath it. When future historians debate just how our early 21st century political and media culture became so infantile, they'll use a video of this debacle as exhibit one.
2). David "I'm Just as Arrogant on TV as I am in Print" Brooks. The New York Times's 3rd worst columnist (after Kristol and Friedman) took to the airwaves to defend Gibson, et al. And thusly does The Old Grey Lady reaffirm its motto changeover to "All the News that's Full of Shit."
3). W. Dean Singleton, Chairman of the Associated "Press". The latest scumbag to publically conflate "Obama" and "Osama," and perhaps the first to have the guts to do it to Obama's face. If you think these incidents represent innocent mistakes, then you don't realize just how much of a threat to the status quo represented by the so-called "villagers" Obama actually is.
The Recession Hits Tinsel Town

This leads me to present the second of my own personal economic indicators: Empty Seats in Movie Theaters or ESMT. I will be tracking these figures from time to time along with the ESBP, Empty Seats at Ballparks.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch No Country for Old Men on DVD again.
Friday, April 18, 2008
At Least ONE International Stock Market "Gets It"

By all rational measures, the U.S. stock market should have entered a deep decline by now. The spiraling gas prices have taken money out of consumers' hands, and there is every indication that it is just going to get worse as summer approaches.
Interestingly, investors in Shanghai, representing the country where many of America's crappy consumer goods are produced, have already seen the market crash. As this graph shows, the Shanghai Composit is down nearly 50% since October.
More reason to believe that this recent run up in American stocks is just a "dead cat bounce" and there will be a dramatic reversal in the near future.
The Numbers
Chimpy's DISAPPROVAL Rating: 67% (highest ever)
Those Who Think the Economy is "Poor" or "Not Good": 90%
Price of a Barrel of Oil Today: $117
Average Price of a Gallon of Gas Today: $3.45
Average Price of a Gallon of Diesel Today: $4.17
Those Who Think the Economy is "Poor" or "Not Good": 90%
Price of a Barrel of Oil Today: $117
Average Price of a Gallon of Gas Today: $3.45
Average Price of a Gallon of Diesel Today: $4.17
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pilots Claim Airliners Forced to Fly With Low Fuel

That's right, as if it wasn't already aggravating enough to fly these days, now the pilot's union is claiming that the airlines are trying to cut costs by not putting enough jet fuel into their planes.
So they practically strip search you going through airport security, confiscating any 3.5 ounce bottle of mouthwash, just so you can die when a jet stuck in a holding pattern crashes while circling the airport.
Fucking brilliant.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
More Chart Porn: March Inflation Numbers

I'll admit I'm no economist, but I would gather that there's some lag time before the finished product prices catch up with the raw/crude prices. So just imagine how bad inflation will be by this summer.
Oil Hits $114 a Barrel
Monday, April 14, 2008
Chart Porn: Gas Prices Vs. Oil Prices

What is striking about the figures (other than the the fact that a barrel of oil was only about 25 bucks less than six years ago) is the dramatic recent upward arc of oil prices and how gasoline has thus far failed to keep pace. If the two had remained true to their historical comparative norm, we'd already be paying about $6.oo per gallon for gas.
Peak Oil. It's not just a wacko, left wing looney theory anymore.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
rubenation's top 3 "Scumbags of the Week"

1). General David "Don't Call Me Westy" Petraeus. Remember all the hysteria over the Moveon.org ad referring to General Betray Us? Well, that's exactly what this miserable political excuse for an empty uniform has done. Chimpy immediately seized upon the General's BS testimony in front of Congress to justify continuing his immoral war unabated so he can (he hopes) hand it off to John "Hundred Year War" McCain next year.
2). The U.S. "Profiles in Cowardice" Congress. For sitting back yet again and scarcely uttering a word of protest as the war's newest cheerleader blew a big fat raspberry at it.
3). Secretary of State Condoleeza "Always Fail Upwards" Rice. For having the absolutely galling audacity to allow her name to be thrown around as McCain's possible Veep choice. She's already been the worst National Security Adviser in American history (for doing nothing to prevent 9/11) and the worst SecState in American history (as she showed again by criticizing Jimmy Carter this week for attempting to conduct, you know, diplomacy). If she does in fact get the nod, it will be just one more example of how accountability and competence means nothing to Republicans.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Price of Cocaine Soars in Europe Due to Weak Dollar

Seems things are tough all over...especially for Eurotrash assholes sporting three-day beards at bad discothèques in their cheap Armani suits. Here's a quote from the story:
Europe has seen a huge increase in availability as traffickers take advantage of the exchange rate.
So, now you can't even afford to get fucked up so you can try to forget how fucked you are.
Linens-N-Things First Major Retailer to Go Belly Up in This Recession

This first major domino in the retail sector falls. So who is next? I also read today that Kohls's sales fell $15% in March, so I'm placing my bet on them.
Coming soon to a strip mall near you: LOTS of empty storefronts.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ron Paul Shows Again Why He's My Favorite Maverick

You gotta love Congressman Ron Paul, even if he laughingly insists on calling himself a Republican. Yesterday, in an act of sheer ballsy hypocrisy, the House of Representatives took a stunningly courageous stand against the Chinese occupation of Tibet by passing a mealy-mouthed nonbinding resolution. The vote was 413-1.
Yes, exactly one heroic congressman realized that a country that illegally occupies two others, whose President has authorized torture and illegal domestic spying and whose military has directly or indirectly caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and the displacement of millions more, has NO MORAL AUTHORITY to condemn any other country for anything.
Elton John is a Dingbat

Last night, British citizen Reginald Dwight inserted himself into our presidential campaign by holding a concert for Hillary and opening his trap to reveal what a first class idiot he is. Seems Mr. Dwight-John has figured out why Everybody Hates Hillary: misogyny. Here's a quote from the story:
John said there was no one more qualified to lead the United States into the next era. "Having said that, I never cease to be amazed at the misogynistic attitude of some people in this country. And I say to hell with them," he said, drawing cheers from the crowd at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan.
Sure, that must be it. Obama supporters hate women. Only possible explanation.
Cheap shot alert: no word on whether John opened his set by singing his old classic, "The Bitch is Back."
ESBP 2: The Washington Story

The Washington Nationals set an unfortunate record of their own on Monday night as only about 20,000 fans showed up to watch their second home game of the season against the Florida Marlins (pictured). 20,000 doesn't sound so bad, you say? Well, 20,000 is the smallest attndance ever for a second game in a brand new stadium in the modern era. I was there, and let me say the crowd seemed even smaller than the official total.
Oh, and the Nats dropped the game 10-7.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Coming This Summer: $4 a Gallon Gasoline

Or so says the Energy Information Administration. Even if Americans cut back on their vacation driving as expected, the agency still expects price spikes to $4 this year. If it happens it will mean that the price of a gallon of gasoline has nearly quadrupled during Chimpy's horrid administration.
Peak Oil: it's not just a whacko, leftwing looney theory anymore.
Lewis Black on Hanging With Chimpy
Next Financial Domino Falling

Washington Mutual has become the latest focus of market watchers as it threatens to go the Bear Stearns route to oblivion. According to the story:
Washington Mutual Inc. secured $7 billion in new capital Tuesday, an injection that is aimed at reviving the company despite ballooning loan losses but which may also push it to rethink its strategy, slim down and revamp the management.
The article goes on to say that the bank is getting out of the wholesale lending business and laying off 3,000 workers.
So let me get this straight, the proper course of action when dealing with an institution that has blown billions of dollars is to lend it billions of more dollars.
Remember when conservatives used to stand for personal responsibility?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
rubenation's Top 3 "Scumbags of the Week"

1). Billary (tandem Presidential candidates, D-in name only). Hey there, working class, still think Hillary can possibly relate to your ever-worsening problems? I've got 109 million reasons to argue otherwise. Sure, the Clintons aren't the first ones to ever to ching-ching-ching cash in on their public service, but selling out to corporate America to the tune of a cool hundred mil in just seven years is truly staggering. And to think we were once outraged by the 100 grand Hillary made on the futures market when she was Arkansas's first lady.
2). Angelo "Do Not Pass Go" Mozilo - CEO of Countrywide Mortgage and recent federal detainee. The feds, in their ever endearing Keystone Kop manner, finally caught up with one of the leading architects of the Subprime Mortgage debacle. May many more such arrests soon follow.
3). Kurt L. "Don't Call Me Roger Smith" Darrow - President of Lazy-Z-Boy Furniture. When asked about his company's plans to ship hundreds of jobs to Mexico, this asshole said: "We regret the impact these moves will have on the families and lives of those employees affected and greatly appreciate the contribution of each employee and thank them for their years of dedicated service." I say, no more pussyfooting around. Moving American jobs out of the country in a time of recession should be a treasonous offense.
"No Botox For You"
Yes, sadly it is true. People in California are getting uglier because of the housing crisis. Literally uglier:
The sub-prime loan crisis, the housing slump and the general decline of the economy have claimed another covey of victims. Anthony is in the real estate business, and under current conditions, the cosmetic treatments -- at $1,800 or more a pop -- can no longer be squeezed into her budget.
"I would rather have Botox than go out to dinner, but it's just gotten so bad," said Anthony, 41, who is looking for a job since her career in the mortgage business went sour. She has not had the facial treatments in months.
I swear, sometimes you don't know whether you're reading the real news or The Onion.
Yes, sadly it is true. People in California are getting uglier because of the housing crisis. Literally uglier:
The sub-prime loan crisis, the housing slump and the general decline of the economy have claimed another covey of victims. Anthony is in the real estate business, and under current conditions, the cosmetic treatments -- at $1,800 or more a pop -- can no longer be squeezed into her budget.
"I would rather have Botox than go out to dinner, but it's just gotten so bad," said Anthony, 41, who is looking for a job since her career in the mortgage business went sour. She has not had the facial treatments in months.
I swear, sometimes you don't know whether you're reading the real news or The Onion.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Book Review: World Made By Hand by James Howard Kunstler

Leave it to James Howard Kunstler, visionary author of The Long Emergency, to write the first great novel set in a possible Peak Oil future. Expanding on the main themes of his previous book and adapting them for dramatic impact, Kunstler tells a simple story that is simultaneously frightening and yet a bit hopeful. Surprisingly considering that detractors think he is far too pessimistic, World Made by Hand is light and airy compared to say, the utter bleakness of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.
The setting is upstate New York, an area that Kunstler is convinced will survive the oil crash a bit better that the rest of the country. His hero is a former software executive turned carpenter eking out a barely more than subsistence living with his fellow townies. The outside world has become unknown to them as their only sources of news are in the form of travelers’ tales and rumors. The status quo of their humdrum lives is shaken up when a new religious sect moves into town and a boatload of local traders goes missing.
Kunstler is a deft writer capable of spinning scenes both moving and dramatic. He also avoids obvious clichés. His religious cult leader turns out to be an okay guy and the inevitable strong arm militia is discovered to be greedily pathetic rather than omnipotent. The one quibble I have about the novel is its small scale. Given the grandiosity of The Long Emergency and its predictions for the future of the world this was a bit surprising. But it in no way detracts from what is an effective and well told story.
98% of Historians Now Rate Chimpy's Presidency A Failure
I honestly doubt that a President could achieve this level of utter disdain if he deliberately set out to do a bad job. Here's the money quote from the story:
In an informal survey of 109 professional historians conducted over a three-week period through the History News Network, 98.2 percent assessed the presidency of Mr. Bush to be a failure while 1.8 percent classified it as a success.
Asked to rank the presidency of George W. Bush in comparison to those of the other 41 American presidents, more than 61 percent of the historians concluded that the current presidency is the worst in the nation’s history.
And just think, he has nine more months to go to drive his ratings even lower!
I honestly doubt that a President could achieve this level of utter disdain if he deliberately set out to do a bad job. Here's the money quote from the story:
In an informal survey of 109 professional historians conducted over a three-week period through the History News Network, 98.2 percent assessed the presidency of Mr. Bush to be a failure while 1.8 percent classified it as a success.
Asked to rank the presidency of George W. Bush in comparison to those of the other 41 American presidents, more than 61 percent of the historians concluded that the current presidency is the worst in the nation’s history.
And just think, he has nine more months to go to drive his ratings even lower!
War Profiteer Airline Shuts Down

You probably know by now that yesterday ATA airlines became the second major American airline to shut down in less than a week. What you might not know is the company's stated reason for going bankrupt:
ATA blamed the shutdown on the loss of a contract for its military charter business.
So in other words, without subsidies from big daddy government's war machine, this little capitalist's darling was unable to survive. Just imagine the ripple effect when America is FORCED by economic reality to begin withdrawing from Iraq next year.
New Poll: 81% of All Americans Now Think the Country is on the Wrong Track
Wow. No matter how you might try to spin it, this is an absolutely staggering number. Just imagine trying to get 4 out of 5 people to agree on ANYTHING, let alone a political topic that doesn't involve punishment for pedophiles. Here is the money shot from this story:
In the poll, 81 percent of respondents said they believed that “things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track,” up from 69 percent a year ago and 35 percent in early 2003.
Well, I guess Chimpy wasn't lying during his 2000 campaign. He really is a uniter rather than a divider.
Wow. No matter how you might try to spin it, this is an absolutely staggering number. Just imagine trying to get 4 out of 5 people to agree on ANYTHING, let alone a political topic that doesn't involve punishment for pedophiles. Here is the money shot from this story:
In the poll, 81 percent of respondents said they believed that “things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track,” up from 69 percent a year ago and 35 percent in early 2003.
Well, I guess Chimpy wasn't lying during his 2000 campaign. He really is a uniter rather than a divider.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Lawsuit to Stop Doomsday Device

Okay, people we can forget about Peak Oil, Global Warming, Nuclear War, etc., because we're not going to live long enough to see any of those things. Two men have filed a federal lawsuit to prevent the activation of the $8 billion Large Hadron Collider (pictured). Don't you want to know why:
They think a giant particle accelerator that will begin smashing protons together outside Geneva this summer might produce a black hole or something else that will spell the end of the Earth — and maybe the universe.
Damn, looks like the pennant races are going to get cut short this year.
Marc Maron on Republicans and Evolution
There Are No Recessions in Baseball...or Are There?

Being a Nats fans, I normally wouldn't give two hoots about this story. Two bad teams battling it out early in the race to see which will finish last in the AL East this year. But having given it a little thought, let me introduce my latest economic indicator: Empty Seats at Baseball Parks, or ESBP.
Ever since the sport recovered from the disastrous 1994 strike and started looking the other way while the likes of Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire and Roger Clemens juiced themselves up, baseball's attendance has risen every year. But it would seem to me that the soaring ticket costs to pay escalating player salaries combined with the 162-game season makes baseball particularly vulnerable to an economic downturn. Combine that with corporate belt tightening (anyone interested in that Bear Stearns box at Yankee Stadium?), and you have a potential for a steep drop in fannies in the seats.
So, I will be periodically revisiting this topic as the MLB season unfolds. My prediction is for an overall drop of between 5-10% in the ESBP indicator this year, and the only reason it won't be larger is because most season ticket renewals had to be paid around last December, before the bottom really started to drop out on the economy.
As always, I welcome your predictions.
Budget Crunch May Result in the Release of Tens of Thousands of Prisoners
Now, what is the worst possible thing the government could do just as the nation is heading into a major economic downturn that will likely cause a significant surge in crime? Wait, I've got it, let's release a massive number of convicts back into society where they'll be unable to find jobs. Hell, they can probably find plenty of potential proteges right there on the unemployment lines.
Here's the money shot from this awful story:
Lawmakers from California to Kentucky are trying to save money with a drastic and potentially dangerous budget-cutting proposal: releasing tens of thousands of convicts from prison, including drug addicts, thieves and even violent criminals.
Officials acknowledge that the idea carries risks, but they say they have no choice because of huge budget gaps brought on by the slumping economy.
Feel safer yet?
Now, what is the worst possible thing the government could do just as the nation is heading into a major economic downturn that will likely cause a significant surge in crime? Wait, I've got it, let's release a massive number of convicts back into society where they'll be unable to find jobs. Hell, they can probably find plenty of potential proteges right there on the unemployment lines.
Here's the money shot from this awful story:
Lawmakers from California to Kentucky are trying to save money with a drastic and potentially dangerous budget-cutting proposal: releasing tens of thousands of convicts from prison, including drug addicts, thieves and even violent criminals.
Officials acknowledge that the idea carries risks, but they say they have no choice because of huge budget gaps brought on by the slumping economy.
Feel safer yet?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Senator's Husband Hires Prostitute

Ho hum. Another day, another politician (or rather, politician's spouse) gets caught paying for whoopee. Here's an excerpt from the story:
"TROY, Mich. (AP) -- The husband of U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow told police he used the Internet to make a date with a prostitute and paid her $150 for sex at a hotel, according to a police report."
Wait a minute, did that say he paid ONLY $150 for sex. Goddam, that's about 97% less than Spitzer paid for his dalliances. Either this guy is a shrewd shopper, or that is one seriously unattractive hooker.
Dude, you're the hubby of one of the most powerful people in the country. If you're going to risk this level of humiliation, at least LIVE a little.
Banking Industry to Shed 200,000 Jobs This Year
Now HERE is a business news headline guaranteed to generate a little schadenfreude. The assholes who wrecked our economy are being economically wrecked themselves.
I guess my neighborhood, for example, didn't need the three new branch banks that opened within three blocks of each other within the last year on top of the four that were already there.
I'm reasonably certain that Bernanke can't bail them ALL out.
Now HERE is a business news headline guaranteed to generate a little schadenfreude. The assholes who wrecked our economy are being economically wrecked themselves.
I guess my neighborhood, for example, didn't need the three new branch banks that opened within three blocks of each other within the last year on top of the four that were already there.
I'm reasonably certain that Bernanke can't bail them ALL out.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Eat the Rich

"Down Here" by Social Distortion
The New Great Depression

Leave it to a British newspaper to report a sad truth that the American corporate media largely ignores. It is estimated that 28 million American will receive food stamps this year, an all time high and up a million and a half from 2007. That's nearly one in ten of us. And yet on the day this story appeared the American stock markets rose over 3%, essentially declaring the credit crisis over.
Further proof that there are two realities in America today. One for the elite. And one far less rosy for the rest of us.
Oregon Holds "Health Care Lottery"
Once again, the Brits are on the case regarding the continuing madness that is life in America these days. According to this BBC report, it seems the State of Oregon is now offering health care coverage for the uninsured as a lottery prize.
Sadly, this is NOT an April Fool's joke.
Once again, the Brits are on the case regarding the continuing madness that is life in America these days. According to this BBC report, it seems the State of Oregon is now offering health care coverage for the uninsured as a lottery prize.
Sadly, this is NOT an April Fool's joke.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Bush Booed, Crowd Subdued

Chimpy was unfortunately on hand to uphold the inane tradition of prez-nits throwing out the first pitch. For that he was loudly booed (yes, I helped with that), though not nearly as lustily as he deserved to be.
In fact, the crowd overall seemed quite subdued given what should have been a grand celebration. The Nats jumped to an early lead, but for most of the game it seemed like the stadium was only about a quarter full. This was quite a contrast to the first Nats game in RFK back in 2005, when spontaneous cheers erupted the whole night and even got the upper deck physically rocking a few times.
I couldn't help but wonder if the economy wasn't a factor affecting the mood. Yes, most of the people who could afford to attend the game are likely to still be doing well financially, but as that faint whisper in the ear that "all is not well" grows louder, perhaps even those who have remained largely oblivious thus far are finding more difficult to celebrate with unbounded enthusiasm.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Bear Stearns Sues Former Employees to Protect its Client List - WTF?

Believe it or not, the bankrupt bank still has enough cash on hand to pay a team of overpriced ambulance chasers to press a lawsuit against its former employees who are using the firm's client lists.
Two questions immediately come to mind here:
1). What other banks were STUPID enough to hire these failed losers?
2). What clients are STUPID enough to invest their money with the same clowns who lost it with Bear Stearns.
Is ANYBODY on Wall Street fucking AWAKE?
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