Saturday, May 17, 2008

rubenation's Top 3 Scumbags of the Week

When I started this feature, I acknowledged that Chimpy, our ever-clueless Commander-in-Chump, could head my weekly list of those who've done the most damage to the republic just about every week. Well, the little Bush-shit had himself quite a week, committing a near act of treason by calling his potential successor an appeaser while on foreign soil addressing a foreign legislative body (for the record, Israel is NOT the 51st state and people have gone to prison for spying on the U.S. for Israel). But I'm going to uphold my tradition and instead go with the ever-clueless Mayor of the Big Easy as my top dog this week:

1). Ray "Hard-Rain's-a-Gonna-Fall" Nagin (D-reelected by dimwits). The bald portrait of pure incompetence now claims he was kidding when he suggested giving homeless folks a one-way bus ticket out of town. I have to admit, my sympathy for the pain and suffering of that beleaguered city went down a notch when this bozo was reelected. He makes Marion Barry look like Michael Bloomberg.

2). Kevin "History is merely a talking point" James (wingnut talk show host). Instead, I'll nail this asshole for defending Bush's "Obama is an appeaser" remarks and comparing him to Nevil Chamberlain if only to because when asked by Chris Matthews WHY the hapless Chamberlain was an appeaser James had no fucking clue.

3). Mike Norman (bar owner and subhuman racist scum). This is the guy who raised a controversy by selling the Obama '08 t-shirts with an image of Curious George on them. If this is the best the wingnuts can come up with, the junior Senator from Illinois will enjoy an FDR-like landslide this fall.

Till next week, peace out!

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