1). Supreme Court Justice Antonin "Get Over It" Scalia. As part of his continuing campaign to be remembered as the worst Supreme Court Justice in American history, Scalia was quoted this week saying, "get over it," in response to a question about the results of Bush vs. Gore. So, we the people are supposed to just forget that the Scalia court trumped a half-million vote Al Gore majority to usher in the worst President in American History. In your dreams, asshole.
2). The Democratic Primary Voters of Pennsylvania (D-idiots). Not content with eight years of incompetent elitist nepotism in the White House in which the working class and middle class have gotten royally screwed, the Dem voters in the Keystone State voted for four more years of more or less the same thing.
3). John "Let's Bulldoze the 9th Ward" McLame. Mr. Old-Man-Shakes-Fist-at-Cloud just seems to outdo himself every week in sheer out of touch-itude. First there was the proposal to destroy the nation's highways by eliminating the gas tax, there there was his off-the-cuff suggestion to raze the worst hit area of New Orleans. Now we know what he really meant by his new War on Poverty pledge.
Till next week, peace out.
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