1). Charlie "Newsreader" Gibson and George "I Wanna Be a Serious Journalist When I Grow Up" Stephanopoulos. Worst. Presidential Debate Moderators. Ever. Granted, the bar wasn't set too high, but these two dopes still managed get far underneath it. When future historians debate just how our early 21st century political and media culture became so infantile, they'll use a video of this debacle as exhibit one.
2). David "I'm Just as Arrogant on TV as I am in Print" Brooks. The New York Times's 3rd worst columnist (after Kristol and Friedman) took to the airwaves to defend Gibson, et al. And thusly does The Old Grey Lady reaffirm its motto changeover to "All the News that's Full of Shit."
3). W. Dean Singleton, Chairman of the Associated "Press". The latest scumbag to publically conflate "Obama" and "Osama," and perhaps the first to have the guts to do it to Obama's face. If you think these incidents represent innocent mistakes, then you don't realize just how much of a threat to the status quo represented by the so-called "villagers" Obama actually is.
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