Missed last week because I was out of town, and thus I didn't get a chance to skewer James
Carville for his Judas comment. Nevertheless, in this week's edition of the three people who have done the most damage to the republic in the last seven days, we start with
Carville's puppet masters:
Billary (tandem Presidential candidates, D-in name only). Hey there, working class, still think Hillary can possibly relate to your ever-worsening problems? I've got 109 million reasons to argue otherwise. Sure, the
Clintons aren't the first ones to ever to
ching cash in on their public service, but selling out to corporate America to the tune of a cool hundred mil in just seven years is truly staggering. And to think we were once outraged by the 100
grand Hillary made on the futures market when she was Arkansas's first lady.
2). Angelo "Do Not Pass Go"
Mozilo - CEO of Countrywide Mortgage and recent federal detainee. The feds, in their ever endearing Keystone
Kop manner, finally caught up with one of the leading
architects of the
Subprime Mortgage debacle. May many more such arrests soon follow.
3). Kurt L. "Don't Call Me Roger Smith" Darrow - President of Lazy-Z-Boy
Furniture. When asked about his company's plans to ship hundreds of jobs to Mexico, this asshole said: "We regret the impact these moves will have on the families and lives of those employees affected and greatly appreciate the contribution of each employee and thank them for their years of dedicated service." I say, no more pussyfooting around. Moving American jobs out of the country in a time of recession should be a treasonous offense.