Saturday, April 12, 2008

rubenation's top 3 "Scumbags of the Week"

Yes, time again to call out the three individuals or organizations who did the most damage to the republic during the past seven days. We start this edition with Chimpy's favorite enabler among the U.S. military.

1). General David "Don't Call Me Westy" Petraeus. Remember all the hysteria over the ad referring to General Betray Us? Well, that's exactly what this miserable political excuse for an empty uniform has done. Chimpy immediately seized upon the General's BS testimony in front of Congress to justify continuing his immoral war unabated so he can (he hopes) hand it off to John "Hundred Year War" McCain next year.

2). The U.S. "Profiles in Cowardice" Congress. For sitting back yet again and scarcely uttering a word of protest as the war's newest cheerleader blew a big fat raspberry at it.

3). Secretary of State Condoleeza "Always Fail Upwards" Rice. For having the absolutely galling audacity to allow her name to be thrown around as McCain's possible Veep choice. She's already been the worst National Security Adviser in American history (for doing nothing to prevent 9/11) and the worst SecState in American history (as she showed again by criticizing Jimmy Carter this week for attempting to conduct, you know, diplomacy). If she does in fact get the nod, it will be just one more example of how accountability and competence means nothing to Republicans.

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