Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Numbers for May 20, 2008

129 - Price of a Barrel of Oil.

3.80 - Price of a Gallon of Regular Unleaded Gasoline.

4.54 - Price of a Gallon of Diesel Fuel.

.3% - Amount the Saudis agreed to raise oil production, as a percentage of the worldwide total, after Bush's recent visit.

0 - Effect the Saudi announcement had on worldwide oil prices.

8 - Number of months remaining in George Bush's term.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

rubenation's Top 3 Scumbags of the Week

When I started this feature, I acknowledged that Chimpy, our ever-clueless Commander-in-Chump, could head my weekly list of those who've done the most damage to the republic just about every week. Well, the little Bush-shit had himself quite a week, committing a near act of treason by calling his potential successor an appeaser while on foreign soil addressing a foreign legislative body (for the record, Israel is NOT the 51st state and people have gone to prison for spying on the U.S. for Israel). But I'm going to uphold my tradition and instead go with the ever-clueless Mayor of the Big Easy as my top dog this week:

1). Ray "Hard-Rain's-a-Gonna-Fall" Nagin (D-reelected by dimwits). The bald portrait of pure incompetence now claims he was kidding when he suggested giving homeless folks a one-way bus ticket out of town. I have to admit, my sympathy for the pain and suffering of that beleaguered city went down a notch when this bozo was reelected. He makes Marion Barry look like Michael Bloomberg.

2). Kevin "History is merely a talking point" James (wingnut talk show host). Instead, I'll nail this asshole for defending Bush's "Obama is an appeaser" remarks and comparing him to Nevil Chamberlain if only to because when asked by Chris Matthews WHY the hapless Chamberlain was an appeaser James had no fucking clue.

3). Mike Norman (bar owner and subhuman racist scum). This is the guy who raised a controversy by selling the Obama '08 t-shirts with an image of Curious George on them. If this is the best the wingnuts can come up with, the junior Senator from Illinois will enjoy an FDR-like landslide this fall.

Till next week, peace out!

Record Breaking Year for Tornados

Climate change? You decide.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shocking Poll Figures on 401 K Deposits

According to a Chicago Tribune article published today, approximately one-third of all Baby Boomers polled reported having recently stopped making payments into their 401 K retirement accounts. Aside from the negative tax implications, this is a shocking figure. Just at a time when those in the 44-64 age group should be maximizing their savings for retirement, many are drawing down their nest eggs.

Aside from the fact that the recession is starting to bite and gas prices keep skyrocketing, the implications of this factoid are downright frightening. Even if Social Security remains solvent (doubtful), these people are going to be in real financial trouble as they become senior citizens.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

rubenation's Top 3 Scumbags of the Week

Time once again for the three individuals/entities who did the most damage to the republic during the past seven days. This week we start out with another in the long list of scumbag Bush political appointees:

1). Scott J. "my job is to do the opposite of my job" Bloch - United States Special Counsel. Most people probably aren't familiar with this weasel. He's the U.S. government official charged with investigating, among other things, retaliation against whistleblowers. The FBI raided his offices this week for apparently, among other things, retaliating against whistleblowers. Hopefully, the next time the Feebs show up at Mr. Bloch's office it will be with a pair of handcuffs.

2). Heath "I'm just as bad a Congress-critter as I was a Quarterback" Shuler (D-detached from reality). Seriously, for an NC Democrat to endorse Hillary the day AFTER the North Carolina primary he's got to either really hate America or just be terminally clueless. I'd bet on the latter.

3). Congressional Democrats - (D-spineless) - for passing a housing bailout bill that rewards the greedy and the clueless at the expense of those of us who pay our bills on time. If Chimpy vetoes this monstrosity as he's promised to, it will be the first time in 7 and 1/2 years I've agreed with ANYTHING he's done.

Well, that's it for now. Till next week, peace out!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Surprise! Obama's Refusal to Pander on the Gas Tax Actually HELPED Him

Incredible as it may seem, many political pundits are now saying that Obama's principled stand on not repealing the 18-cent-a-gallon federal gas tax helped him and boomeranged on Hillary. I know that most Americans must be shocked by this because of long it has been since a serious candidate for the presidency has taken a principled stand on ANYTHING.

An even bigger loser may ultimately turn out to be John"Hundred Year War" McLame, as Obama has proven that voters want leadership and not pandering this year. And pandering is all that crazy old coot has left to offer.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Taming of the Toxic Shrew

I really don't have anything original to say about Hillary's gotterdamerung last night that hasn't already been said a zillion times in the corporate media and blogosphere already. I just needed an excuse to run this photo.
At last, the era of incompetent, power crazed nepotism appears to be coming to an end.

U.S. Consumer Debt Rises More Than Forecast in March


This article pretty much speaks for itself:

U.S. consumer borrowing jumped more than double the amount economists forecast in March, indicating a slowing economy is forcing Americans to accumulate credit-card and other forms of debt.
Consumer credit increased by $15.3 billion for the month to $2.56 trillion, the biggest monthly rise since November, the Federal Reserve said today in Washington. In February, credit rose by $6.5 billion, previously reported as an increase of $5.2 billion. The Fed's report doesn't cover borrowing secured by real estate, such as home-equity loans.

Consumers are turning to credit cards after banks tightened standards for home-equity loans and other borrowing. The March figures brought U.S. consumer borrowing in the first quarter to $34 billion, the most since the first three months of 2001, when the economy entered its last official recession.

Recession? What Recession?

"Just Us Kids" by James McMurtry

Larry's son returns with another strong folk rock album containing even more political material than his last outing, the solid Childish Things. This time around, McMurtry takes on Bush even more directly with the powerful "Cheney's Toy" and the growling guitar lines and vocals of "God Bless America." The less political material features his usual strong storytelling and solid mid-tempo guitar grooves.

Side note: In an interview in the final issue of No Depression magazine, McMurtry admitted that he had originally planned to call this effort The Last Record Album in anticipation that e-music will soon cause the final demise of CDs. He was talked out of the idea by his teenage son. The reason? His son didn't think the title would help James escape the lifelong shadow of his famous father, whose 1966 novel was called The Last Picture Show.

Monday, May 5, 2008

What's a Penny Worth These Days? Try 4 Cents.

That's right, the copper that comprises every penny minted is now worth four times more than the penny itself as currency. So how long before pennies start disappearing in huge numbers into melting pots?

I have a solution. When the price of copper raises the value of the Lincoln coin to 5 cents, we'll just call it the "new nickel" and stop minting nickels. Easy!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

rubenation's Top 3 "Scumbags of the Week"

Slow posting week as I was out of town for much of the time. Yet it was another banner week for the asshats who continue to do all they possibly can to undermine the nation. Here is this week's top 3:

1). Rep. Elton Gallegly (Congresscritter, R-CA). Normally, this moron is just another anonymous slimebag in the House Republican caucus, but this week he opened his mouth and revealed himself to be so much more. Seems that in the middle of a national energy emergency Rep. Gallegly is none too happy about a new House rule which would force him to give up his taxpayer funded Ford Expedition for a greener, more fuel efficient car like a Prius. "A Prius isn't made in the United States," Gallegly complained. Hey, Ive got an idea, Congressman: if you want to continue driving your gas hog and setting a poor example for your constituents, why don't you just pay for it yourself like working people have to do?

2). Tim "Conventional Wisdom Zombie” Russert (mainstream media hack). Russert was apparently responsible for banning Ariana Huffington from all NBC "News" programs after she criticized his lack of journalistic ethics in her new book. This is yet another example of how Russert has become THE most pompous windbag polluting the airwaves these days.

3). Reverends Hagee, Wright, et al (psychotic, egomaniacal religious "leaders"). How about if we all just agree that not only does religion have no place in a Presidential campaign, but all Presidential candidates should steer clear of "spiritual advisers" and seeking endorsements from reactionary bigots who hide behind their pulpits?