"It's the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel Fine." - R.E.M.
Pick your poison: overpopulation, global warming, peak oil, economic meltdown, bird flu. All of these and more seem to be bearing down upon us like the late Hunter S. Thompson speeding towards Gomorrah behind the wheel of his convertible in the opening pages of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
But just because America seems to be poised on the precipice doesn't mean you can't maintain your sense of humor. After all, life is full of absurdities and laughing out loud at them is the best way to maintain your sanity.
So join me as I document the onslaught of the Great Depression of 2009, and try to find the lighter side of the whole mess.
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Welcome to the wonderful blogosphere :)
Keep up the good work. I have been keeping a blog for quite a while now (first in German, with the beginning of 2008 I switched to English (mostly) and changed the blog-server. Mine is a pretty personal perspective on this crazy world with ups, downs and in-betweens. Check it out if cou like: http://blog.jutta-jordans.de
We will not stop TEOTWAWKI, but at least we can say, we have talked about it :) Callers in the desert, speaker for the dead.
Capella from LATOC
hey, great blog!!
It's going to be a long and interesting trip isn't it?
pamela from LATOC
Pamela: Yes it is. Reminds me of the ancient Chinese blessing/curse: "May you live in interesting times."
And thanks for the compliment!
capella: I tried to post on your blog, but there was an error message.
Anyway, congrats on having the courage to chuck your job and have a little fun before the collapse. The wife and I have always loved Canada when we've gon there.
I've run into several people who seem extra deoriented today on the good news/ bad news front. All agreed after a small talk that it was like being in Invasion of the Body Snatchers this week.
Someone then emailed me a 'fan site' for FED Chairman B52 Ben,
anonymous: Great link. Thanks!
futuristics: Thanks!
I read your review of "The Killing Zone." Would you be interested in reviewing another book about the Vietnam War. It's a work of fiction that's set during the war. The novel is called "Section 8."
If you're interested, send me an e-mail at bwsimpson@fuse.net
Bring on the system meltdown I say. It's so F'd up, I loudly call for a do over. And while we're waiting for that, I completely agree, keep up the humor.
Forgive me for going WAY off-topic, but would you happen to recall the name of the American movie that was used for propaganda purposes by the Soviet Union in the book The Falcon and the Snowman?
Hi , I like your blog. It's addressing really interesting issues. My name is Betsy Cheung and I have recently published a novel called, 'Presage' , subtitled 'The Reality of The Virtual'. It is a dystopian /Sci-fi novel (The year is 2018) with social political twist (word count is 106,000) . I believe it has a lot of social merits as the underlying theme of the book is a society which is struggling to become more compassionate as a necessary change of mindset to overcome global issues. would you consider reviewing it?
please email me at betsylycheung@yahoo.com if you do.
Hello Brian,
You have some very write ups!
My name is Ognian Georgiev. I am Bulgarian sport journalist, who wrote his first novel “The white prisoner – Galabin Boevski’s secret story”. The book is non-fiction and is telling a real events story about legendary weightlifter, Olympic champion, who finds himself in Brazilian prison for drug traffic.
“The white prisoner” was published last December in Bulgaria and on 30 May was the English premiere. I was trying to find some quality reviewers, who would enjoy reading the story and are not into the weightlifting (I’ve got a lot of fans already from this community).
I know you are quite busy, but if you are tickled a little bit, please check here the description of the book (http://www.amazon.com/The-white-prisoner-Galabin-Boevskis-ebook/dp/B00KMFP2VK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401472100&sr=8-1&keywords=Galabin+Boevski)
I would like to send you print or e-book copy. If you are interested, please e-mail me at ogii3 (at) abv.bg
Best regards
Ognian Georgiev
Sports editor at
“Bulgaria today” daily
Work phone: +3592 942 27 32
e-mail: ogii3 (at) abv.bg
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